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AmpliGame A6V FAQs

User Manual

Self Troubleshoot before proceed any further. 

⚠️Please include the test result when resorting for email support.

  • Is "Fifine Microphone" seen by your Windows or Mac or is recognized as unknown device?
  • If it's recognized, is what you want to do is to hear mic playthrough you computer speaker?
    (Please refer to "It's recognized, but I didn't hear any sound coming out of my Windows when I spoke" part below). 
  • If computer sees it as unknown device, have you tested out on a different computer? Tried to update and reinstall the unknown driver for a few times on the same computer? 
    (Please refer to "My Windows is not recognizing the microphone" part below). 

Accessories installation & Setup

Features not working properly

Not recognized/Recognized but no sound

Volume level/Background sound/Echo

Not working with my software

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